Terms And Conditions

This website is owned and operated by StartUps Technologies PLC (StartUps). StartUps is a registered company under the laws of Ethiopia, and the use of terms “we”, “us” and “our/s” throughout this website strictly refer to StartUps. StartUps provides the information, tools, forms, and systems on this website to you the user. By using this website, you agree to accept all of the terms and conditions stated herein including those additional terms, conditions, and policies referenced through links.

By accessing or making use of this site partly or in whole, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to all the terms, conditions or policies under this agreement, you are advised to discontinue using this website or the services offered in it. In the event that any part of these Terms and Conditions is considered an offer, acceptance is expressly limited to the Terms and Conditions set out here in.

We reserve the right to modify any part or all of these Terms and Conditions, and users are advised to review our Terms and Conditions from time to time to reintroduce themselves with the latest update to our Terms and Conditions on this page. It is assumed that you accept any changes we make to our Terms and Conditions if you continue to use or access our website.

1. General Conditions

You accept that the content of your submission (including your business idea/s), shall be shared or transmitted to various teams of individuals for the purpose of evaluation, facts assessment, fund raising, investment partnership, procurement or any activity related to how we finance and/or monetize.

StartUps reserve the right to refuse an application or submission of an idea/information to anyone for any reason at any time.

You agree to be solely responsible for the accuracy, completeness as well as timeliness of the information you provide on your idea or startup, and you understand that any information or material we provide on this website is for the purpose of general information only and shouldn’t be solely relied upon as the basis for your decision to submit your idea or to work with us. You are advised to consult with as many other sources as necessary before making a decision on the basis of the resources provided on this website as any use or reliance on the material provided on this website leading to any of your decisions is at your own risk.

We may make references to older information or historical data on this website. By definition, since historical information or data is not necessarily current, we reserve the right, from time to time, to modify this information as we find it suitable or new information becomes available. However, we reserve the right not to be obligated to provide such updates on our website. You understand and agree that you are responsible to identify and track when such changes are made to our website.

You may not copy, share, duplicate or exploit a portion or all of the information provided on our website or our services including contacting personnel through information provided on this website without an expressly written permission from us.

2. Submission Terms and Prohibitions

By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you represent that you are the owner of or have the authority to the idea/startup/information you are submitting through our website. You declare that you haven’t copied the ideas of others, described someone else’s products nor are your submissions illegal or unauthorized by the rightful owners of the idea, information or the startup. You declare that your use of our website to submit idea, an application or information is not in violation of any laws.

You agree that you should not transmit or submit any malicious ware or destructive code that can potentially harm, steal information or temporarily disrupt our services or those of others. Additional to terms in these Terms and Conditions that are prohibitive of certain activities, you are prohibited to use our website for illegal purposes, unlawful solicitations, violations of any laws at any level or jurisdiction, infringement of rights of all types, submission and or dissemination of false, discriminatory, abusive, insulting, harmful, defaming, harassing, slanderous, disparaging, intimidating, obscene, and immoral content or information. We reserve the right to immediately terminate your use of our services, our engagement or partnership with you if you are found in breach or violation of any of these Terms.

3. Errors, Omissions, Inaccuracies and Links

From time to time, you may find erroneous, missed or inaccurate information on our website. We reserve the right to provide correction to any such errors, omissions or inaccuracies. omitted information beyond the extent required by law.

Links belonging to third parties and are referred to on our website may direct you to sites with no direct or indirect affiliation with us. We do not evaluate or examine the content of such third party sites for accuracy or factualness, and we do not take any responsibility for information or materials provided on such third party sites.

4. Intellectual Property

Unless and otherwise it is expressly stated, StartUps owns the copyright and all other intellectual properties contained in this website. This includes all of the website content, trade names, product and service names and/or descriptions, icons, logos, tag lines or slogans.

The use of any such properties on/from our website without our prior and expressly written consent is strictly prohibited, and shall subject you to further liability under these Terms and Conditions.  

5. Disclaimer

We do not give any warranties, nor guarantee that our website will function without interruption, delay, inaccuracy, and free of security related or other errors.

You understand and agree that, from time to time, we reserve the right to remove or modify the contents of our website in part or in whole, temporarily or indefinitely without any obligation to notify you. You understand and agree that you solely bear the risk for your use or inability to use our website. All information, content, or service delivered for your user through our website is provided on an ‘as is’ and ‘where is’ basis and it comes with no representation, warranties or conditions of any kind (express or implied).

6. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold StartUps, its owners, directors, officers , agents, employees, affiliates, analysts, and copyright owners harmless from and against any and all claims, liability, suits, judgments, litigation costs, causes of action, demands, recoveries, damages of any kind, fines, penalties, losses, costs and expenses of any kind or nature incurred by you arising from or in any way related to your use of our website or any information provided in it, including third party information linked through our website or you breaching these Terms and Conditions or any other terms referenced in these Terms and Conditions or you violating any law including third party rights.

7. Changes to Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to make any modification/s in part or in whole to these Terms and Conditions at our sole discretion. These changes shall become effective when posted on our website. It is your responsibility to check, review, and understand the most current version of our Terms and Conditions that can change at any time. Your continued use of our website or reliance on information there in constitutes that you have read, understood, and accepted the updated Terms and Conditions.

8. Termination

We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to block, suspend, restrict or terminate your access to any part or all of the content on our website at any time for any reason without prior notice or liability to you. We reserve the right to modify, suspend or discontinue all or any part of our website without any prior notice or liability to you.9

. Entire Agreement

The Terms and Conditions set out herein contain the entirety of the agreement between you and us with regards to the subject matter it deals with. Neither party shall claim to have relied on any discussion that took place or any document that existed before the execution of these Terms and Conditions.

You understand the individual severability of single provisions of these Terms and Conditions. The severability, unenforceability, invalidity or illegality in any jurisdiction of any single provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be treated separately as being severed from these Terms and Conditions in the specific jurisdiction. The rest of the Terms and Conditions, however, shall be binding unaffected.

Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision under these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Ambiguities, if any found in interpreting any or all part of these Terms and Conditions shall not be construed against us.

10. Governing Laws

These Terms and Conditions, your use of our website, and any agreements we enter with you in relation to the engagement related to these Terms and Conditions is governed by and construed in accordance with all applicable Ethiopian laws, and Ethiopian courts have the exclusive jurisdiction on any issues related with your use of our website.11. Contact

Any queries about these Terms and Conditions should be sent only through the contact form.